Friday, April 16, 2010

exercise 3

  1. Explain DNS and DHCP. How does DNS differ from DCHP configuration?

DHCP is (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). It is network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to already defined range of IP address.

DNS is (Domain Name System). It is one type of database system that translates the computer’s qualified domain name into IP address. DNS useful in private big organizations to routing of the IP address and it translate the domain name to IP address. IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) handle the all process to register and resolve domain names.

DNS is system hierarchy of domains and DNS naming is used in TCP/IP networks such as Internet to locate computers and services through user friendly names.

DHCP assigns IP addresses to the needed computers in a network dynamically.

Example Cisco IOS DHCP server, RFC 2131-compliant DHCP server implementation on selected routing platforms where as DNS is the system in the internet which maps the names of objects like host names into IP numbers or in other record values.


What is DHCP? (May 13, 2009), Retrieved on 3rd April 2010, from

What is DNS? (May 13, 2009), Retrieved on 3rd April 2010, from

Difference between DNS and DHCP (n.d), Retrieved on 3rd April 2010, from

  1. Why is it important for your online business application to use a static IP address rather than have it dynamically assigned?

Some factors that is important for online business application to use a static IP address:

    • Static IP address remains the same so that organization can run internet services that require your IP address to remain the same in order for them to work properly. E.g. running web server, FTP server.
    • If sometimes DHCP server is having difficulties to handling out IP address, business still is able to access the web, since business IP is predetermined. It means less downtime.
    • It can control and maintain from any where in the world and it ultimate help to the business growth.


R.Kayne (22nd January 2010), what is a Static IP address? Retrieved on 3rd April 2010, from

Kevin Crowe (n.d) Advantage of Dynamic IP and Static IP Retrieved on 3rd April 2010, from

3. What role can the following play in business-to-business e-commerce?


Virtual Private Network (VPN) or Grid computing services

Next generation of wireless mesh networks

Cloud or Social Cloud applications.

(a) Virtual private network uses internet as transport backbone to establish secure links between business partners, to extend communication to regional and isolated offices and which leads significantly decrease the cost of communication for an increasingly mobile workforce. Virtual Private Network play important role in business-to-business ecommerce which provide connection or network between two sites in different location and transfer of data or information through public network (internet) , which allows staff or access central repository of information all from remote locations. It allow staff to work form home or customer premises or from other site of their business and it also help in enhancing security of electronic data exchange and transaction.

VPN serve as private network overlays on public IP network infrastructures, such as Internet. VPN helps organization to increase their sales and product can be accelerated. Addition to strategic partnership can be strengthened across the supply chain than before.

(b) Cloud computing does not allow users physically action or any activity for storage of the data. In this all responsibility are on service provider. The main drawback of cloud computing is that it limits the freedom and responsibility of the users and make them to dependent on service provider. Sometimes users can use those application which service provider offers and accordingly they have to change themselves. Richard Stallman believes that cloud computing endangers the liberties of the users by giving authorization to access the privacy, personal information and data to the third party.
Even thou data and information is stored and secure in the cloud still it has risk of many factors like network outages and denial of service attack against the service provider and major failure.

The consumer can access multiple servers anywhere on the globe without knowing which ones and where they are located. Example Amazon Web service.

A cloud application is helpful for an organization as it eliminates the need of installation and run the required application on the user’s own computer as result reduce the burden of software maintenance, ongoing operation and support.

Some examples are below:-

Ø Peer-to-peer / volunteer computing like Skype and Bittorrent

Ø Web application like Twitter

Ø Software as Service like Google Apps and SAP.

Ø Software plus services (Microsoft online service).

(C) Wireless mesh network is made of radio nodes organized in mash topology. It consists of mesh client, mesh router and gateways.

Ø Mesh client like laptop, cell phones and wireless devices.

Ø Mesh Router which is forward the t and from the gateways and it does not make any difference if it is internet connected or not.

Wireless network help staff members of an organization to increase and communicate information faster and convenient way and it also save the expenses. If any staff member wants to send any information or any files he/she can send without uploading into the server which saves the server load.


Judith Myerson (3rd March 2009) Cloud computing versus Grid Computing, Retrieved on 3rd April 2010,

Russell Kay (4th August 2008) QuickStudy: Cloud computing Users can hook into the power of 'out there.’ Retrieved on 3rd April 2010,

Next Generation RS485 Wireless Mesh Network System Released (March 29, 2010), Retrieved on 3rd April 2010,

4. If clouding computing is the 'black box', then grid computing is a component as the 'white box'.


According to my understanding about the statement “If clouding computing is the 'black box', then grid computing is a component as the 'white box'.”

In cloud computing useful to the organization to scale up the capacities without any investment, can also train new employees. Cloud computing usually helpful to the small or medium organization which wants to outsource data infrastructure. For the large companies is useful to carry the extra load without investing much higher cost of building larger data centers.

The service users not need to connect with computer or not need to use an application form the computer. Service users purchase a specific version that configured smartphones, PDAs and other devices. The users not have to own the infrastructure, software or platform in the cloud. User can achieve multiple servers anywhere on the globe without deliberate which ones and where they are located. But some issues like user has some lower upfront costs, capital expenses, and operating expenses.

However, grid computing grows up from the cloud computing and it provides on demand resource terms. In to the grid computing need software that can split and it go to the one large system image to many computers but the risk is that if the one portion of software on a node fails other related may be fail.

Some massive cloud computing companies are Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Sales


Judith Myerson (3rd March 2009) Cloud computing versus Grid Computing, Retrieved on 3rd April 2010,

Russell Kay (4th August 2008) QuickStudy: Cloud computing Users can hook into the power of 'out there.’ Retrieved on 3rd April 2010,

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